Friday 26 June 2020

Online Classes For O/A Level, Grade 1 To Grade 11th By expert tutors Call: 0332-9283300

Online Tuition Pakistan is ready to help for your child in his/her education 24 hours a day.   Your success is our responsibility and hard working is your responsibility. Then see positive result in your future....
We have professional tutors for the following subjects: 


Thursday 17 October 2019

Online Tuition Pakistan, We have Award Winning UK Maths Tutors

Online tutoring suits anyone studying inside or outside education. Our math tutors from Uk, We are here to provide best tutors of the world, everyone from those at school or univerisity through to home schoolers, overseas students and adult learners can contact us.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Online Tuition Pakistan

Online Tutoring with Expert Tutors On Demand! Expert Tutors From Top Pakistani Universities & Colleges Many tutors are current 
students or recent graduates of top-tier colleges like KU, NED, UET, MAJU etc. Affordable Online Tutoring or Tutor in Pakistan Yo...

Saturday 15 August 2015

Is your child need online tuition Pakistan help? skype: tutorsaleem

  • Interested in Learning Online?
  • Gifted & Talented?
  • An Aspiring Professional Athlete?
  • A Talented Performer?
  • Living in the Outside Pakistan?
  • On a School Waiting List?
  • Having Learning, Special or any Medical needs?
  • Not Being Challenged at School?
  • Having Difficulty Settling in School?
  • Being Bullied.
  1. Ability to study online from home or anywhere around the World
  2. Individualized flexible online learning. Each student learns at their own pace.
  3. Over 50 courses offered on a full or part time basis.
  4. Students receive a full complement of engaging textbooks, workbooks, materials, and manipulatives for all courses.
  5. Regular support by a team of certified teachers and Academic Coaches.
  6. Internet-based curriculum powered by the award winning Curriculum.

Math - Chemistry - Physics - Biology Online Tuition Pakistan

Online Maths Tuition

From Grade 1 to school level, through GCSE / GCSE and A-levels, to professional skills – We can help make sense of maths.

Online Science Tuition

Physics, Chemistry, Math, essential to our modern world – with clear explanations We can show that science isn’t just for boffins!
The majority of our students come to us through word-of-mouth recommendations 
Skype: Onlinetuitionpakistan 

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Online Tuition Classes for Grade 1 to Grade 12 - Master Qualified Professional Tutors.

skype: tutorsaleem
Online Tuition Pakistan O/A Level Classes: Female tutor for female students or Kids, We provide most comprehensive, convenient, effective and affordable, way of learning, “Live Interactive One to One” online tutoring service for students of Grades 1-12 in any part of the world. skype id: tutorsaleem
Our tutorials for school students includes Basic English speaking to Elementary English Grammar and Speaking Online Classes, Elementary Maths tutorials, Algebra tutorials, Geometry tutorials, Statistics tutorials, Elementary Science tutorials, Earth Science tutorials, Biology tutorials, Elementary English tutorials, English Grammar tutorials, Essay Writing tutorials, accounts tutorials, economics tutorials, statistics tutorials.
Our highly qualified and well trained tutors will work with you help you assess your strength and weakness, develop good study techniques, effective course work preparation, and our tailored program of tutoring will help you achieve your goals.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Online Tuition for Kids or  O-Level  Courses 

Online Tuition Pakistan offers online tuition and tutoring support for a variety of International IGCSE, GCSE, O Level and A-level subjects. You get exactly the same service as if you attended one of our tutorial programmes at our academy in Dubai but you get to do it from the comfort and convenience of your own home or another international location. We cater for:
  • Individual subject online tuition – a wide range of subjects
  • School Coursework help
  • Revision classes
  • Past paper practice
  • Oral language requirements
  • Mock exams
  • Proofing/editing services – Essay support 

OnlineTuitionPakistan from KARACHIis one of the largest online reliable and trusted  tutoring academy, offering online tutoring all over the world, you can find our students in each and every corner of the world, particularly in the countries and cities of middle east, like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Doha, Dammam, Riyadh, not only in middle east but in Europe England, London, Ireland, Germany,  Norway, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, even in Pakistan.

Skype: tutorsaleem  Call: (00971)558946216

Friday 3 July 2015

Online English Language Course for Pakistani Females and kids

Online English Language Course - Female tutor for female 
students or kids.

Speaking Classes, Grammar Classes, Reading and Writing and Listining English Classes. Online Classes for any student anywhere in the world.
Add our Skype id: tutorsaleem

Thursday 1 January 2015

Online Classes For O/A Level, Grade 1 To Grade 8 By Professional Professors Skype: tutorsaleem

Online Tuition Pakistan is ready to help for your child in his/her education 24 hours a day. Our aim is to deliver  quality of education. We teach one-on-one tutoring through Skype, Virtual Whiteboard, Team weaver etc.. Our professional professors makes you able and extra-competence in your particular subject.  Your success is our responsiblity and hard working is your responsiblity. Then see positive result in your future....
We have professional tutors for the followig subjects:


CALL: 00971 - 558946216
Skype: tutorsaleem

Online Tuition Classes - HTML5 - CSS3 - WordPress - PHP - mySQL

 Skype: tutorsaleem  Ph: 00971-558946216

M Tech Institute offer Professional Web Development Training
Training includes HTML5, CSS3, Dream Weaver, jQuery, PHP, mySQL, wordPress, Photoshop.
Online Web Development Training also available for UK & USA Students HTML5, CSS3, Dream Weaver, jQuery, PHP, mySQL, wordPress.

Introduction to HTML5, what is new?
  • New HTML5 document structure
  • Create an optimized HTML Template
  • New semantic structural elements
The Body (Site page)
  • Writing Articles
  • Positioning Content
  • New HTML5 tables
HTML5 Semantic Elements
  • New Doctype
  • Header, Hgroup, Nav and Footer Elements
  • The Aside Element
  • The Article Element vs. the Section Element
  • The Outline Algorithm
  • Validation
  • Simplified Style Tag
  • The Child Selector
HTML5 Enabling Script (Shiv)
  • X-UA-Compatible Meta Tag
  • Simplified Script Tag
  • Using the HTML5 Enabling Script (Shiv) for Internet Explorer
  • Setting New Semantic Elements’ Display to Block
HTML5 Forms
  • The Placeholder Attribute
  • The Required Attribute
  • New Input Types: Email
  • Using Attribute Selectors
  • The Pattern Attribute and Regular Expressions
  • Client Side Validation—No JavaScript Necessary
Adding Rich Media: Audio
  • The Audio Element
  • Autoplay and Controls
  • The Source Attribute
  • MP3 vs. Ogg Vorbis
  • Fallbacks for IE 7 and 8
Adding Rich Media: Video
  • The Video Element
  • Autoplay and Controls
Setting up SolarFlare
  • HTML5 Sectioning Overview
  • Dreamweaver Site Set-Up
  • Using the HTML5 Boilerplate
  • Using Divs for Presentation
Introduction to CSS3
  • What is new in CSS3
  • CSS3 Modules
  • Incorporating style sheets in an HTML document
  • Internal stylesheets vs. External stylesheets
  • CSS Stylesheets types
  • Multiple Stylesheets
  • Selecting Elements
  • Evaluating importance
CSS3 New Properties
  • CSS box model
  • CSS Formatting
  • CSS3 2D Transforms
  • CSS3 3D Transforms
Work with CSS3
  • Rounded Corners with Border-Radius
  • Drop Shadows with Box-Shadow
  • The CSS3 Gradient Stack
  • Using the IE Filter for Gradients
CSS3 Multiple Backgrounds
  • Working with Multiple Backgrounds
  • Combining CSS3 Gradients with Multiple Backgrounds
  • Using Modernizr
Using the RGBA Color Model and Modernizr
  • Using RGBA For Backgrounds
  • Modernizr Fallbacks
RGBA for Gradients and Shadow
  • RGBA for Gradients
  • RGBA for Box Shadow
  • RGBA for Text Shadow
CSS Opacity Rollovers
  • Setting the Opacity of Elements
  • Changing Opacity on Hover
  • Refining Styles for Navigation
CSS Transitions
  • Transition-Property
  • Transition-Duration
  • Transition Shorthand and the Transition Stack
CSS Transforms & Transitions
  • The Scale Transform
  • The Rotation Transform
  • Modifying the Transform Origin
  • Transitioning Transforms
CSS Columns & CSS Reflections
  • The Column-Count Property
  • Column-Gap and Column-Rule
  • Column-Span Support
  • CSS Reflections for Webkit
  • Modernizr Fallbacks
Using Javascript with HTML5
  • Incorporating scripts in an HTML document
  • Input forms
  • Painting on Canvas
  • Scripting Rules
Using jQuery Deferred Objects
  • Traditional AJAX Processing
  • Layout
  • Section 1 Content
  • Loading All Content
  • Common Pattern
  • Deferred Object
  • LoadSection Function
  • Negative Testing
  • Deferred Methods
  • Dynamic Pages
  • How to put Slider
Building the XAMP Stack for PHP
  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Alternatives
  • Accessing Form Data with PHP
  • HTML forms & PHP
  • Demo: Creating a Form
  • Accessing Form Data with PHP
  • Validating User Input
  • Demonstration -- Input Validation
  • The Lending Library's Database
Designing the Database
  • Creating and Populating the Database
  • Querying and Updating the Database
  • Accessing a Database from PHP
  • Connecting to the Database
  • Book Search Demonstration
  • Quoting and Input Validation
Doing More with the Database
  • Using Prepared Statements
  • Non-queries and Summary Functions
  • Creating and Using Stored Procedures and Functions
  • Granting Privileges in MySQL
  • Introduction to the MySQL Privilege Model
  • Creating Accounts and Granting Privileges
  • Accounts for the Library Application
WordPress Basic to Advace and
WordPress Theme Development
  • Introduction
  • Why Use a Theme?
  • Installing a Theme
  • FTP Installation
  • Theme Installer
  • What Is a Theme?
  • Template Files
  • Images and Assets
  • Child Themes
  • What do I need to develop?
  • Demo: Set Up a Local Development Environment
Deploying your site
• FTP Processing & Domain Hosting Account
• Upload your website, View Anywhere on Internet.

You can get Joomla / Drupal / Magento workshops to enhance Experience in more CMS systems in Plus one months, after completion of that courses you will be able to get Business or Work on All major CMS.

Skype: tutorsaleem