Wednesday 2 January 2013

Online Learn O-Level Physics , Chemistry , Math and Every Subjects By Professional Teacher Call: 03312424610

History of Online Tuition Pakistan.

In 2005, three 3rd -year computer science students from the University of NED decided to build a website to help students who want to find tutors, and tutors who wish to have more students.
Traditionally, students find tutors by looking at notice board, and tutors market themselves by go around the campus and put up notice. This is time consuming, and is not effective either because notices get tore off or overlapped quickly. Why don't we create a place where information is easy to access, advertisements don't get removed, and a large number of tutors to choose from?
Online Tuition Pakistan was launched in 2005. We started off inviting friends to join the site --- since we were NED, most of the early tutors were from the same university.

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