Sunday 10 March 2013

Online Professional Trainning In SEO By Professional Call: 0332-9283300


During SEO course you will learn what is...

1. Exact Match Domain (EMD) –
2. Search Ads (AdWords) –
3. Local Search Volume –Google Keyword Tool.
4. Other Search Volume Tools –
5. Global Search Volume – Microsoft Advertising Intelligence –
6. Evaluate Sites Currently Ranking for the Keyword –
7. Online Domaining Sites or a Domain Broker –
8. Google Suggestions and Other SERP Suggestions –
9. Keyword Stuffing –“over-optimization”
10. Hidden Text – Required or Not
11. Use of Backlinks – Google negative SEO
12. Weak Links –
13. Forcing Naturally – Link building and optimization
14. Content That is Keyword-Driven – where the content is written so
15. Anchor Text – When your backlinks all have the same anchor text
16. Doorway Pages – Purpose is to redirect users to website and increase ranking almost use….
17. Too Many Ads – Yes, ads earn revenue but
18. Too Many Links with Same Content –
19. First Impressions –visitor likely won’t come back to find out later.
20. Distractions Lead to Detours –You need to guide visitor to do what you want them to do
21. They Can’t Buy If You Don’t sell – Displayed above the fold.
22. Short Attention Spans –one among many options they have
23. Web Surfing Web surfers are looking for a reason to stay, If they don’t see, you’ll be history.
24. If You Lead, They Will Follow – If you tell them exactly what to do, visitors likely to do
25. Too Many Options / Wrong Choices –Provide the shortest path possible to your objective.
26. Inspire Confidence –Tell them that they’re in the right place
27. Keep It Simple – Remove blocking.
28. Page Ranking – Content is relevant, high quality, traffic coming to your pages….
29. Facebook –make the social networking giant a heavy-hitter for you website.
30. Twitter –News and recent developments quick and painless, limitless possibilities for reaching a wider audience
31. Blogs – Message board regulars who enjoy writing and sharing knowledge
32. TLDR – “Too Long, Didn’t Read” Get younger generation of web users.
33. User Impatience – “TLDR” argument.
34. Trolling – Problem With posts designed solely to ignite anger or irritation in other users
35. Lurking –Silent reading of forums is called lurking
36. Smartphones –mobile-friendly offerings, with social networking sites leading the charge.
37. Control – Overzealous moderators, many forum users find themselves disenchanted with
38. Lack of Control –unmediated, absence of leadership
39. Key phrases – Webmaster make sure your key phrases are as site specific as possible. Search engines using semantic search should be able to find you
40. Test Siri’s intelligence – Semantic search uses artificial intelligence similar to Apple’s Siri, it would be a good idea to test whether Siri queries are able to locate your website
41. Keywords – Semantic search intends to identify not just keywords, using on your site are relevant to the content in order to rank highly in a semantic search.
42. Test questions – Test searches.
43. Be informative –Google will begin to provide information about a search topic
44. Google Assistant’s intelligence – Test to make sure your website comes up when ask.
45. Complex language –Use more complex language when doing test searches
46. Define niche –unique in some way, use artificial intelligence within the search results page.
47. Useful databases – Mashable –Freebase - ProBlogger – Copyblogger – –The Future Buzz –Gizmodo - Blogger Buzz – ThinkTraffic – themes, and social bookmarking.
48. Daniel Tosh and Celebrity Net Worth –Twitter and various tech blogs after collapsing under the traffic load generated by Tosh.
49. Led Zeppelin Concert Site –Townshend and band Foreigner.
50. Backlinks from spammy or low quality sites
51. “duplicate” content on your website.
52. Negative SEO to the problem by sending out unnatural links emails via Webmaster Tools.
53. Link building with same anchor text
54. DoS, or Denial of Service, attacks hit your site from multiple IP addresses.
55. Google Bowling is really just a reverse engineering of Google’s own guidelines
56. Bogus copyright infringement complaints obligate search engines to remove the alleged
57. Spamming by proxy The best defense against negative SEO is to build quality natural links
58. Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami – News and Action
59. East Coast Earthquake – News and Action
60. The Death of Osama Bin Laden – News and Action
61. Beyonce’s Baby Bump – News and Action
62. September 2002 –befuddle optimizers
63. Fritz (Jul. 2003) – The end of the Google Dance
64. Florida (Nov. 2003) / Austin (Jan. 2004) This sequence of updates was a major game-changer for the SEO crowd
65. Brandy (Feb. 2004) – A significant update in that it brings two important elements to the algorithm: 1) LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing), which allowed queries to search for synonyms related to the search terms; 2) Anchor Text, which helped direct queries to specific pages within a website.
66. Jagger (Oct. 2005) – Google set their sights on linking abuse with Jagger
67. May Day (May 2010) –the algorithm intended to reward those links which had a higher probability of relevance
68. Caffeine (June 2010) – Actually a change in Google’s indexing infrastructure
69. Social Signals (Dec. 2010) – Google incorporates social ranking, from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr in establishing page ranking and….
70. Panda (Feb. 2011) –crap content in particular, Google threw down the quality gauntlet in earnest.
71. PageRank –PageRank is a mathematical formula that was incorporated during Google’s infancy.
72. Small Business Listing –local traffic for the revenue.
73. Feedback – Fix problem areas quickly, and maximize your strengths.
74. Free Advertising –97% of consumers go online when searching for local business.
75. Networking –Terrific place to connect with neighbors, patrons and merchants alike, plan events, B-to-B linking, etc.
76. Testimonials –Word-of-mouth advertising, web-style. by testimonials of satisfied customers.
77. Use Local Contact Info –mailing address, phone number, store hours. Currently
78. Analytics – More accurate read on which keywords to use to optimize your site’s ranking. A local search serves as a good indicator of your direct competitors.
79. Star Reviews –Includes customer reviews and star ratings alongside your business listing.
80. Lack of Promotion –The blind squirrel approach to online writing may get you a handful of readers, but don’t expect more than that.
81. Weak Title – Your choice of headline should grab the reader.
82. Poor Timing / Dated Subject – Some topics are time-sensitive
83. Bad Web Design – Too often overboard with design templates, using funky fonts, blinding background colors, busy schemes, etc. Readability and ease of navigation are two of the most important functionality issues when designing a web page.
84. Low-Ranking Site –your site ranks poorly. Maybe you’re using a content mill, or a site that is known for crappy content or spam.
85. No Audience – Beyond marketing, SEO, timing and quality issues, there’s the matter of whether there even exists an audience for your content.
86. Spamming – Absence of target audience, or making meaningful comments on others’ content, and useful contributions to discussions, before marketing your own material is welcome.
Our SEO training is fully based around the principle of learning-by-doing. During the Alternate-day interactive training course you will:
• Learn innovative strategies to gain the best possible return for your SEO campaign
• Discover how to increase the number of quality & relevant website visitors
• Develop a robust strategy for on-page and off-page optimization through basic techniques
• Find out how to develop a robust link building strategy (including social media optimization)
• Get a clear idea of SEO pitfalls and avoiding search engine penalisation
• Understand how to maximize search engine inclusion and exclusion through index coverage and duplicate content
• Learn how to research and select the best keywords for your SEO campaign
• Discover how to track your SEO success and measure ROI
• Find out how to evaluate and establish best practice SEO through competitor benchmarking
• Acquire a deep understanding of how to manage and prioritize a successful search engine optimization strategy with optimal ROI
We also have an advanced SEO training course which usually takes place the day after the SEO Basic course.
…WITHOUT being told, you don't need to go anywhere, Online SEO Training: Get Training from your Office or Home.
What if….
You could simply register by pay 2500/= Pakistani Rupees.
Course Duration: 2 Months
Class Timing: 1 Hour (Mon, Wed, Fri) or (Tue, Thr, Sat)
Fees: 2500/= per Month

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