Friday 12 April 2013

Online Classes For HTML, CSS, PHP, JOOMLA etc Call: 0332-9283300

Mastering a language like HTML can be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be! Under the expert guidance of John Allsopp, you’ll find the combination of digestible audio, video and mini-articles with a supportive forum of classmates to be so much fun, you won’t even realize how much you’ve learned by the time you’re done.

By the end of the course, students will have covered, in detail, the following: How HTML is similar to, and differs from HTML 4 and XHTML 1

The various features of HTML, which ones are ready for use now, and which are more experimental New semantic and structural markup elements and attributes Extending HTML accessibility and semantics using the ARIA role attribute Native audio and video in HTML Drawing with the canvas element Dealing with shortcomings in browser support Quality assurance techniques for HTML

Successful software developer, long standing web development speaker, writer, evangelist and expert, John has spent the last 15 years working with and developing for the web.
Call: 0332-9283300
Skype: tutorsaleem

Monthly Fees: 1800/=

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