Monday 24 December 2012

Online Expert In Finance Basics By Professional Professor

Online Tuition Pakistan is an online Virtual Professors Academy providing an in-depth curriculum to students in grades K-12 anywhere in the world. Access to the program is through subscription. Subscribers become part of an online learning community held in high regard by some of the  best educators.

Ideal for home scholers, international students, student athletes and performers, health-impaired, gifted-talented students and those who want to increase or refresh their educational skills, Online Tuition Pakistan provides lesson modules in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Subscribers have the option of working at the level of their choice.

Online Tuition Pakistan effectively promotes student learning and can increase student knowledge in specific subjects and topics through targeted components detailed in each lesson module. It aims in increasing basic academic skills such as reading, spelling, history, science and mathematics and assists in the process of evaluating and synthesizing information. Included in the nine part lesson modules are a study guide, lesson problem, activities, extended learning, resources, vocabulary and self-correcting quizzes and exams.
Established in 2005, Online Tuition Pakistan is an accredited online school built on
Muhammad Saleem 

Students learn more when given choices.

Students learn responsibility and are more engaged when given choices. Online Tuition Pakistan provides students a safe online learning environment to choose what and when they would like to learn next. While Online Tuition Pakistan enforces basic rules to ensure that students are learning effectively, students are encouraged to set their own pace and to explore subjects that interest them.

Online Tuition Pakistan has had a singular focus on educating students online from the start. We are an online school, not a hardware reseller or curriculum aggregation. Our curriculum, developed exclusively for online learning, is available anywhere you have an internet connection; there are no additional workbooks, texts, downloads or hardware required.
  • Online Tuition Pakistan meets National Goals for Learning in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Science and is designed for students from kindergarten through grade twelve.
  • Each lesson module includes an introduction, vocabulary, a lesson problem, statement of curricular standards, resources, study guide, activities, extended learning, and quizzes and exams.
  • Online Tuition Pakistan lesson modules include a wide range of topics, informational web sites and interesting activities that help to create a unique learning experience for students.
  • Online Tuition Pakistan provides immediate feedback to student and parent. Multiple choice questions follow each study guide to check for comprehension and understanding of concepts learned.
  • Online Tuition Pakistan includes student and teacher/parent resources, discussion area, homework help, and unique email features.
  • Online Tuition Pakistan lesson modules are written by educators in 23 subject areas. Students can work at their own ability level and at their own pace. The lesson modules emphasize achievement in basic skills for learning.
  • The most important key to Online Tuition Pakistan is student success and students are more likely to succeed if the information is interesting and relevant for them.
  • The original content of Online Tuition Pakistan lesson modules applies to real life situations that students can relate to, such as, creating a budget or reviewing a movie.
  • The depth of content, use of graphics, activities and inclusion of web sites make Online Tuition Pakistan unique when compared to other educational sites on the Internet.
  • Twenty-three subject areas are included in the Online Tuition Pakistan Program.


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