Sunday 16 December 2012

Online Learn MCS Program Course Call: 03312424610

How is the programme taught?
The programme is delivered entirely online, over the internet. With access to a computer with an internet connection, you will have a great deal of flexibility in terms of where and how you study, while at the same time engaging in a structured, designed and supported experience alongside other students on your courses.

Our students experiment with a wide range of technologies, so while many courses have their home base in a virtual learning environment (Moodle), you will also have the chance to use other technologies such as blogs, wikis, virtual worlds, Twitter and synchronous text chat as part of your study. In addition to individual course spaces, the Online Tuition Pakistan provides a central networking environment for all students, teachers and alumni. You will have full access to the digital resources of the Online Tuition Pakistan, including the digital collections of the library.

All courses are taught through a combination of independent study and group activities. Just some of the many different kinds of activities on the programme include:
  • collaborative authoring in wikis
  • real-time tutorials in virtual worlds
  • in-depth discussion board conversations
  • online film festivals
  • individual and group blogging
  • fast-paced text chat
  • creation of visual and digital artefacts
  • exchange of ideas and resources using Twitter and social bookmarking.

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